
Fourth Week of Advent

Fourth Tuesday of Advent


Say When Jesus was born, Rome was in charge. Caesar Augustus, the first emperor of the ancient Roman Empire, called for a census. A census is the counting and registration of people. He likely wanted the census for military and tax purposes.

Read Luke 2:1-7

Light two purple candles, the pink candle and the remaining purple candle.

Ask Where were Mary and Joseph living when the registration was ordered? Where did they have to travel to be counted?

Say Joseph was from the line of David, which means he and Mary had to return to Bethlehem to be counted. The trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem would have taken about three days to make. Remember there were no cars then. Mary and Joseph had to make this journey on foot. (Consider looking up a city 90 miles away from your home and discussing how long it would take to drive there versus walking.)

Ask What is familiar in this story? Are there any details you didn’t remember before reading it today? Are there any details missing that you thought were there?

Say A manger is a feeding trough for animals, which is why we usually picture Jesus being born in a barn or similar structure.

Pray Lord, We imagine the difficult journey Mary and Joseph made, and we thank you for being there with them, just as you are for us. Amen.

Sing Hark the Herald Angels Sing