
Fourth Week of Advent

Fourth Wednesday of Advent

Ask Yesterday we read that the baby Jesus was born! Who was the first to learn about Jesus’ birth? Let’s read and find out.

Read Luke 2:8-12

Light one purple candle.

Say Notice in verse 8 where the shepherds were-- they were “in the same region, out in the fields,” meaning they were watching their sheep near Bethlehem. Shepherds had an important job tending and protecting the flocks of sheep, but they were not typically educated, wealthy, or held in high esteem. 

Ask Why do you think God chose the shepherds to be the first to hear the good news about Jesus? What does that say about God? How did the shepherds react to the angels? How were the shepherds to find the baby- what was their sign?

Read Luke 2:13-14 

Light the second purple candle.

Say Notice at first it was one angel who spoke to the shepherds. Now verse 13 says “suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel...” That means there were many angels.

Ask What were the angels doing? What were they saying?

Say Think about how angels- heavenly beings- were praising God. Now think about how we should respond to God. 

Read Luke 2:15-18

Light the pink candle.

Ask After the angels left the shepherds and returned to heaven, what did the shepherds do? Once they found Mary, Joseph and Jesus, what did the shepherds do?

Read Luke 2:19-20

Light the final purple candle.

Say The shepherds were excited and began to tell everyone what they had seen and heard. “But Mary was treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them.” 

Ask When you listen to this story, who sounds more like you-- the shepherds who are excited and can’t wait to tell everyone? Or are you more like Mary and want to ponder and soak it all in?

Say Notice the lyrics of the hymn we have been singing every night this week. Those words come straight from today’s scripture reading. As we sing tonight, picture these scenes in your mind. Imagine what it would have been like to be a shepherd. Imagine seeing the bright light and the angels. Think about the angels’ message.

Pray Lord, Glory to you in the highest heaven. We pray for your peace here on earth. Amen.

Sing Hark the Herald Angels Sing