
Fourth Week of Advent

Fourth Monday of Advent

Say Today we meet Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. Not a lot is known about him but pay attention to these verses which offer clues about his character.

Read Matthew 1:18-25

Light two purple candles, the pink candle and the remaining purple candle.

Ask What words did the verses from Matthew use to describe Joseph? What other words would you use to describe him?

Say The Bible doesn’t give us a lot of details about Joseph. We learn in Matthew 13:55 that he was a carpenter. The defining characteristic about Joseph, however, was his obedience. When God told Joseph to do something, no matter how confusing it was, Joseph did what God asked. Later in Matthew is another story where an angel appears to Joseph and tells him to take Mary and Jesus and flee the country. Joseph does exactly what the angel says.

Ask In this passage, what did the angel of God tell Joseph to do? Why would that have been a difficult to understand task?

Pray God, Slow us down so we can hear your voice. Speak to us through your word. May we be obedient like Mary and Joseph. Amen.

Sing Hark the Herald Angels Sing