
Fourth Week of Advent

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Say Today we enter the final week of Advent. We are almost to Bethlehem. Let’s revisit a story we read last week to prepare our hearts.

Read Luke 1:26-38

Light two purple candles and the pink candle.

Say This week we will light our final purple candle. This is traditionally known as the peace candle. Sometimes it is called the angel’s candle.

Light the final purple candle.

Ask Who is the angel in today’s scripture? What is the role of the angel in this story?

Say In the Bible, angels are often messengers of God. 

Ask What message did Gabriel have for Mary? Do you think this message brought Mary peace? Why or why not?

Say Often in the Bible when an angel appears to someone, the first thing they say is “Do not be afraid.” Imagine what it would be like to have a messenger of God suddenly appear to you.

Pray Lord, we thank you for the angels who bring your messages to us. May we follow their example and bring your good news to those around us. Amen.

Sing Hark the Herald Angels Sing