
Fourth Week of Advent

Introduction to Peace

The fourth week in Advent we focus on PEACE. Peace is defined as the “absence of war or conflict” or “the state of being calm or quiet.” but in the Bible it means much more.

The Hebrew word for PEACE is shalom and means completeness or wholeness. It comes from the root word shalam (shaw-lame’) which means to make amends or to make whole or complete.

The Greek word for PEACE is eiréné and means one, peace, quietness, and rest. It originates from the root word eirō, which means to join, or tie together into a whole.

In the Bible, PEACE  is more than just feeling tranquil and being free from conflict. It is taking an active role in restoring brokenness and resolving conflict.

Jesus is the promised Prince of Peace come to restore our broken world. As we strive to be more like Jesus, we too are called to cultivate, nurture and promote peace. 

As we enter this final week on our way to Bethlehem, use the scriptures provided to calm your heart. Intentionally focus on PEACE. Remember that Jesus came to us not as a rich and powerful king ready to conquer his enemies. Jesus came to us as a baby in a manger. 

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7