
Third Week of Advent

Third Wednesday of Advent

Say Finally today a baby is born! Listen as we read about the birth of John the Baptist.

Read Luke 1:57-66

Light the two purple candles and the pink candle.

Ask How did Elizabeth’s neighbors respond when they heard she had a son? Why were her neighbors “rejoicing with her?”

Say Think back to what we learned on Sunday about the angel Gabriel’s visit to Zechariah. During this time it was customary to name a boy after his father or other relative.

Ask Why did Elizabeth and then Zechariah insist on naming the child John? What happened to Zechariah the instant he wrote “His name is John?”

Say Think about how important it is to follow through with a commitment. Zechariah and Elizabeth’s situation was a little different. An angel of God had given them specific directions, but they still had a choice to make. 

Ask Is there something you need to follow through with this week? Have your parents or teachers asked you to do something that you have not yet done?

Pray Lord, thank you for the example of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Help us remember to keep our word. Amen.

Sing Joy to the World