
Third Week of Advent

Third Tuesday of Advent

Say Yesterday we read that Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her she would have baby Jesus. Today’s story begins when Mary rushes off to visit her relative, Elizabeth, who is also expecting a baby.

Read Luke 1:39-45

Ask What happened when Mary greeted Elizabeth? Why did Elizabeth consider Mary to be “blessed among women?”  Where do you see joy in this passage?

Say The next passage we read is Mary’s song of praise, known as The Magnificat.  Listen to the words of this song as we light the candles.

Light the two purple candles and the pink candle.

Read Luke 1:46-56

Ask What is the mood or tone of Mary’s song? What words does Mary use to describe God? What words does Mary use to describe herself?

Say Mary praises the greatness of God and knows that he has looked with favor upon her, a “humble servant.” Mary also shows that she knows the scriptures. She speaks of God’s great mercies throughout the generations, going back to Abraham.

Pray God, thank you for the example of Mary. You are a great God. Amen.

Sing Joy to the World