
Third Week of Advent

Third Thursday of Advent

Say You may be wondering why we spend so much time talking about John the Baptist at Christmas. He had a special role to play in Jesus’ life. Today we will read about him in two different gospel accounts.

Read Mark 1:1-8 , John 1:6-9

Say Isaiah, the Old Testament prophet, is quoted in this Mark passage. John the Baptist fulfilled this prophecy made hundreds of years before. 

Ask What was John’s role and purpose according to these passages? How were people responding to John’s teaching and baptizing? 

Say Note how the John passage describes John the Baptist’s role. He was a man sent from God. He came as a witness. Think about a witness in a courtroom. What is his job?

The witness testifies to what he or she saw. The witness is called to give a testimony, to give the truth. That is what John was called to do. God sent John ahead of Jesus to prepare the people so they would be ready to hear about Jesus.

Ask John was called to testify about the light, but these passages make it clear he  was not the light. Who is the light of our world?

Light the two purple candles and the pink candle.

Pray Lord, help us live so our lives testify about Jesus. Amen.

Sing Joy to the World
