
Second Week of Advent

Second Friday of Advent

Ask What are the hardest things to wait for? Birthdays? Dessert? Christmas? (Note: You can offer a small piece of chocolate, or other sweet treat, but have your children wait until the end of the devotion  to receive it.) 

Say Today we have two readings. The first comes from the book of Micah. It is a small book in the middle of the minor prophets in the Old Testament. The second reading is from Matthew, in the New Testament. Listen for familiar words.

Read Micah 5:2,4 , Matthew 2:6

Ask What did you hear in both verses? What do we know about Bethlehem?

Say We know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. God’s word is always true. Even when we have to wait for it.

Light the two purple candles.

Say Micah was written about 700 years before Jesus was born. 700 years! Can you imagine? It is difficult for us to wait one year for our birthdays to come around again. But what God told Micah didn’t come true for 700 years! But the Israelites knew God always kept his promises, so they had hope. Our hymn last week was “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus.” God’s people waited for Jesus and longed for him to come. In Advent we wait too.

Pray Jesus, we are waiting for you. Amen.

Sing Oh Come All Ye Faithful