
Second Week of Advent

Second Thursday of Advent

Say  Yesterday we learned the greatest commandment: Love God and love your neighbor. Today we are going to focus on loving your neighbor.

Read 1 John 4:7, 19-21

Light the two purple candles.

Say  This verse is actually quoting John 13:34-35 when Jesus said, “Just as I loved you, you are also to love one another.” 

Ask  Where does love come from? How do you know?

Say God gives us the perfect example of love. God didn’t just say that he loves us. God showed  us he loves us. Think about it like this: If your parents tell you to eat healthy foods but then they never eat any vegetables… what would you think?

Ask Why/how is what we do as important as what we say?

Say God loved us. Now we love the other people he created. We are called to love our family, our friends, our neighbors. But we are also called to love the people who aren’t like us. Even the ones who aren’t nice. That is difficult to do, but as our verse said, “The one who loves God must also love others.”

Ask Is there someone you know who is hard to love? Why?

Pray God, help us see others as you do. Help us love others as you do.  Amen.

Sing Oh Come All Ye Faithful