
Second Week of Advent

Second Saturday of Advent

Ask What does it mean to adore? 

Say The dictionary defines adore as “to love and respect deeply.” It also means to “worship.” 

Ask Close your eyes for a moment and picture someone in this world whom you adore. Someone you love deeply. Now open your eyes. Who do you adore?

Say We have talked this week about how much God loves us, and how in return, we are called to love God and love others.  To adore someone isn’t to just like them a little. It means you are almost overcome with how much you love them. Listen to the way the author of Psalm 8 talks about God.

Read Psalm 8

Light the two purple candles.

Say Each night this week we have sung “Oh Come All Ye Faithful.” Think about that chorus we sing. “Oh come, let us adore him. Oh come, let us adore him. Oh come, let us adore him. Christ the Lord.”

Ask How in this season of busy will we show that we are ready to “come and adore” Jesus?

Challenge Spend intentional time in God’s creation this weekend. Notice his handiwork. Praise his holy name.

Pray Lord, come, let us adore you. Amen.

Sing Oh Come All Ye Faithful