
Second Week of Advent

Second Tuesday of Advent

Say On Sunday we read John 3:16 , which is one of the most quoted verses of the Bible. Today we will read a verse that some have called “the John 3:16 of the Old Testament.”

Read Zephaniah 3:17

(Note: This verse has many nuances that are translated differently in each version. We recommend you read it in several different translations. is a quick and easy way to access different translations.)

Light the two purple candles.

Say This verse gives us some important truths.

Ask What does this verse tell us about God? How does God feel about you? What does God do for you?

Say There is so much packed into this one verse! It reminds us that God is always with us. He is fighting for us and saves us. He rejoices over us with gladness. He will quiet us with his love. He delights in us with singing.

Ask What do you think it means that God will “quiet you” with his love? (Note: other versions say “renew,” “calm,” “He will be quiet in his love,” “create calm.”) Why do you think some call this verse the “John 3:16 of the Old Testament?”

Pray God, thank you for always being with us, fighting for us,  saving us. Thank you for loving us so much. Amen.

Sing Oh Come All Ye Faithful