
First Week of Advent

First Wednesday in Advent

Say Think about a time you messed up. You did something you knew you should not do… or maybe you didn’t do something that you should have done. You knew you were wrong and were maybe even scared of your punishment. (Allow time for each person to share.)

When we do things we aren’t supposed to, that is called sin. Everyone sins. Sin is why our world needs Jesus. Today we read from a different Old Testament prophet, Joel.

Read Joel 2:12-14

Ask What is God asking the people to do? What will happen if the people turn back to God?

Say We don’t tear our clothes now, but in Bible times, tearing clothes was a way to show remorse. Remorse means you are sorry for doing wrong. God was telling the people, change your hearts and listen to me. This might seem like an odd passage for Advent, but it is important that we prepare our hearts as we wait for Christmas.

Ask As we light the candle tonight, is there anything you need to confess to God? Is there anything you need to change in your heart and ask forgiveness?

Light the first purple candle.

Pray God, thank you for hearing our prayers and forgiving us. Amen.

Sing Come Thou Long Expected Jesus