First Thursday in Advent
Say We have spent a lot of time this week reading from the Old Testament prophets. Today we read from one of the disciples’ letters near the end of our New Testament.
Read 1 Peter 1:3
Say God’s people in the Old Testament had hope because they knew God was in control and he keeps his promises. They had hope because Jesus was coming. We know that Jesus has already come. He was born, died on the cross and rose to life three days later.Light the first purple candle.
Say Peter wrote this letter to new believers around Asia Minor who were discouraged. They were suffering. Peter knew they needed hope. They needed to be reminded of the good news about Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:3 tells us we have a living hope. We live every day in the hope that Jesus will return. We are never alone. We have hope because we know that Jesus already took care of our sins.
Ask What brings you hope today? What part of Jesus’ story gives you the most hope?
Pray Jesus, we have hope in you. Amen.
Sing Come Thou Long Expected Jesus