
First Week of Advent

First Tuesday in Advent

Say We are going to start today with King David. He was the second King of Israel and described as “a man after God’s own heart.” (1 Samuel 3:14) In 2 Samuel chapter 7, God speaks to David through his prophet, Nathan. God tells David he will “establish the throne of his kingdom forever.”

Ask What does forever mean? What is God saying he will do?

Say Now fast forward many years when David and his sons have died. Let’s read a passage from Isaiah. Remember Jesse was David’s father.

Read Isaiah 11:1-10

Light the first purple candle.

Ask Look at the picture of the stump. What do you know about a tree stump? What has happened to it?

Say A tree stump means the tree was cut down. Isaiah is saying that David’s line may have been cut down, but that shoot, that new growth, means it is still living. Jesus is that new growth, and he brings life and light to all of us. God kept his promises to his people. We can find hope that God still keeps his promises.

Read Luke 1:32-33

Pray God, thank you for keeping your promises. Amen.

Sing Come Thou Long Expected Jesus