
First Week of Advent

First Monday in Advent

Say Today we have another passage from Isaiah. It is important to know when Isaiah wrote these words, the Assyrian army- a strong, fierce, foreign army- had invaded Judah and was bringing darkness and destruction for God’s people.

Read Isaiah 9:2-7

Say Say Close your eyes and imagine you are in complete darkness. You cannot see. You don’t know what is ahead or behind you. You don’t know what is coming. How does that feel? Isaiah said “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.”

Light the first purple candle.

Ask What happens to the darkness when we light a candle?

Say Even one candle chases away the darkness. It brings comfort and hope. Look at the names Isaiah used for Jesus in verse 6. Wonderful Counselor means he will have extraordinary wisdom. Eternal Father means he will have life that never ends. Prince of Peace means he will bring peace to the world. Mighty God means Jesus is God. He is all-knowing and all-powerful.

Ask Which name of Jesus do you like the best? Which one sounds the most hopeful?

Pray Jesus, thank you for bringing light into our world. Amen.

Sing Come Thou Long Expected Jesus