
First Week of Advent

First Sunday in Advent

Say Today we have two scripture passages to read. Isaiah, a prophet in the Old Testament, lived about 700 years before Jesus. The passage from Matthew shows us that Isaiah’s words came true.

Read Isaiah 7:13-14 and Matthew 1:18-25

Say There are several words in these scriptures that may be confusing. In the Bible, a virgin is a young woman who is old enough to marry but has not married yet. Conceive means she is pregnant and will have a baby. The people Isaiah was speaking to knew that the word Immanuel means “God with us.” The first candle we light tonight represents hope.

Light the first purple candle.

Ask What does hope mean? Why would a child called “Immanuel” bring hope to the Israelite people? How do you feel God with you? What gives you hope today?

Pray God, thank you for bringing hope into our world. Thank you for being with us. Amen.

Sing Come Thou Long Expected Jesus