Half Painted Toenails

Posted on November 18, 2020
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24 ESV

We recently had family pictures made and while I planned our clothes, I forgot about shoes until twenty minutes before departure. The only shoes that worked with my dress were open-toed. I don’t know about you but my feet have not gotten much attention during COVID-life. I hastily painted my toenails… but just the ones visible in the shoes.

It worked for the pictures but that night when I took my shoes off, I had to laugh at my half painted toenails.

I did exactly what was needed and not an inch more.

At the end of the day, my half painted toenails won’t change the world. Other than me looking silly in flip flops (which I have needed more in November than anyone ever should), my half painted toenails won’t impact anyone.

However, as we move into the busy holiday season, what is your approach to God and the work he has given you? Are you doing your best, working for the Lord, or are you starting to consider half painted toenails “good enough?”

I will confess I have found my attention slipping in recent weeks. I am multitasking more while on Zoom calls for my Bible study instead of giving my full attention. I have skipped questions knowing I can hide behind a screen and it won’t be as noticeable.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men…

We all have seasons and sometimes half painted toenails just aren’t a big deal. But consider how you are approaching your work right now. Are you engaged? Are you participating? Are you prioritizing time with the Lord and his Word?

As our calendars fill with more commitments, gatherings, and shopping we must be intentional about how to “get it all done.” If we are honest with ourselves, adding new things into the calendar means we either have to let something else go or sleep less.

How are you preparing for Thanksgiving and Advent? Have you given meaningful thought about the work you hope to accomplish in these next six weeks? What are your goals and how do you plan to achieve them? Plan now so you don’t end up with half painted toenails.

Lord, thank you for loving us even when we don’t work heartily for you. Forgive us for taking your assignments for granted. Bring us focus and drive in this holiday season. Amen.