Dark Brush

Posted on November 11, 2020
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13, ESV

We joke in my husband’s family about his mom and her “dark brush.” My mother in law has an uncanny ability to look at a situation and assume the worst– thus she paints each scenario with a dark brush. Example: a few years ago she and my father in law were riding in the car, and he complained it was hot despite the air conditioner blowing cold air. Turns out his seat warmer was accidentally turned on. My mother in law’s first reaction however was “maybe you have a brain tumor.”

The dark brush.

Now even my children respond to anyone’s negativity by shouting “dark brush!” Luckily my mother in law laughs with us.

This year has been a doozy, and it just keeps giving. The dark brush has had plenty of opportunities to work its magic and bring us down. But this past Sunday, as I listened to sermons from two different pastors, I was delighted to hear messages of hope. Calls to action, even. Reminders of who we are in Christ.

Our circumstances do not determine our outlook.

Hope is not new. God has been giving his people hope from the beginning. In the wilderness. During exile. In the lion’s den. On the Sea of Galilee. On the cross. At the tomb. In prison. In 2020.

Tim Mackie and Jon Collins of The Bible Project say it this way, “Joy is an attitude God’s people adopt not because of happy circumstances but because of their hope in God’s love and promise.”

In this crazy year of pandemic, shutdown, election, hurricanes and more, where are you finding joy? What gives you hope? How is God providing for you? Here are a few of mine:

    Writing a Family Advent Devotional book for my church Giving up Dr. Pepper two months ago and only cheating twice 😉 The colors of fall Joining Fia – a group of women who workout here in Lake Wylie in the wee hours of the morning Reading chapter books to my kids every night Catching up with close friends Lunch dates with my husband

Whatever lifts your soul, whatever fills your cup– do more of that. Then thank God for the opportunity.

Lord, You are our hope and our joy. Thank you for loving us. May we see you in every situation. Amen.