
First Week of Advent

First Saturday in Advent

Say We have talked a lot about HOPE this week. As we read today’s scripture, I want you to listen for the word HOPE. Also listen to see if any other words are repeated.

Light the first purple candle.

Read Psalm 130

Ask What words did you hear often in this passage? (Lord, wait, hope) Who does the Psalmist say we are waiting on? (the Lord)

Say In Advent we are waiting on the Lord. We are waiting with the prophets we have read this week. In the weeks to come we will wait with the shepherds, the angels, Mary and Joseph. But we don’t wait in worry. We wait in HOPE. Just like the Psalmist said in verse 5, “I wait and put my hope in his word.” We have hope because God’s word is always true. We know that at the end of our waiting, Jesus will come.

Ask What parts of Advent or waiting are hard for you to understand? What gives you hope today?

Pray God, thank you for giving us Jesus. Thank you for always giving us hope. Amen.

Sing Come Thou Long Expected Jesus